Forest Facts Logo

Hello and welcome to

Who are we and why are we doing this?

The Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA) is responsible for this website – and we represent the sector to stakeholders, politicians, the media and general public.

Our members expect us to tell the truth about the industry and while we are sometimes dismissed as a lobby group, those of us who work at AFPA love and appreciate Australian timber and wood products and we are proud of the thousands of people who work to produce quality and essential Australian products that we use in our homes and workplaces every day.

We're tired of people telling us that we should be ashamed of our industry and accusing us of all sorts of things that are either misleading or simply untrue – hence was born.

While you're here we are not going to ask you to donate to a cause, sign a petition, sell you a book, write to a politician, frighten you or make you feel bad for wanting to learn more about forestry, timber and wood-fibre.

We created this website so we can overcome some of the misinformation and disinformation that's out there. All you'll find are Forest. Facts. Seriously.

Diana Hallam – AFPA, Chief Executive Officer.

What is Australia's forestry and forest products sector and supply chain?

The sector and supply chain is made up of all the businesses and organisations responsible for:


For the economy

For the climate

For daily living

Forestry Supply Chain Flowchart

Industry Snapshots

The supply chain is divided up into several parts so take a look at the snapshots below on each section.